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1.1.0 - 2024-05-01


  • backends libdnf5: add dnf 5.2.0.x compatibility


  • backends: revamp typing for Package and PackageQuery

1.0.0 - 2024-04-01

First stable release


  • Containerfiles: add experimental UBI 8–based Containerfile
  • cli formatters: add source+requiresmatch and source+rm formatters


  • Containerfiles: license under GPL-2.0-or-later
  • doc fedrq.1: use formatting consistent with man-pages(7)


  • doc: remove broken reference


  • cli formatters: remove long-deprecated _DefaultFormatters class (INTERNAL API)

0.15.0 - 2024-02-13


  • backends dnf: add load_filelists() implementation. This makes sure that systems with dnf >= 4.19.0 can, for example, use -L always to load filelists.


  • doc: revamp and cleanup


  • changelogs: fix off-by-one error with --entry-limit flag

0.14.0 - 2024-02-07


  • api: add fedrq.cli.formatters.Formatters.formatters_it() method
  • cli: add formatters subcommand to list formatters
  • formatters: add -F multiline
  • formatters: add -F requiresmatch and related formatters
  • releases: add --branch=eln / --repo=buildroot repo definition


  • api: clean up INTERNAL fedrq.cli.formatters API


  • api: deprecate standalone fedrq.repoquery module


  • all: drop support for libdnf5 version less than 5.0.12

0.13.0 - 2023-12-18


The next release will drop support for libdnf5<5.0.12



  • cli download / download-spec: mark commands as stable and document
  • cli: add new make-cache subcommand


  • backends Repoquery.resolve_pkg_specs: add nevra_forms argument
  • backends Repoquery.resolve_pkg_specs: allow more granular resolve control
  • backends: add allow_multiple_backends_per_process argument to get_backend()
  • backends: make base a package instead of a single module


  • Caddyfile: update for 404.html template


  • API Summary: add dnf and libdnf5 intersphinx links
  • dnf-repoquery-diff: fix inter-doc links
  • release_repo: add unstable API warning admonition
  • add API doc


  • all: use metaclass=abc.ABCMeta instead of inheriting abc.ABC
  • backends: make libdnf5.backends.${NAME}.backend packages instead of single modules
  • cli: correct license of changelogs and download. They are now GPL-2.0-or-later as opposed to MIT.
  • doc: switch to google docstring style


  • fedrq.repoquery: fix type checking
  • backends dnf: fix BaseMaker.set_var() error typo
  • cli whatrequires: fix typo (Exception: Unrecognized key name: recommend).

0.12.0 - 2023-09-11


  • whatrequires: add experimental --extra-exact argument
  • add support for pydantic v2

0.11.0 - 2023-08-31



  • backends: add repo @property to PackageCompat
  • BaseMaker: add load_changelogs(); improve load_filelists()
  • BaseMaker: add conf property
  • backends: add API for accessing Package changelogs


  • handle repo ssl client certificates in download subcommand
  • add changelog subcommand

Container images:

  • add @epel release group to the rhel9 release configuration in the ubi9 container


  • Declare support for Python 3.12



  • libdnf5 BaseMaker: deprecate config property


  • fix DeprecationWarning.
  • improve CLI error handling by erroring out before loading metadata if other non-fatal errors have occurred.
  • fix help message in download subcommand



  • config: remove pydantic validators from public API. These never should have been exposed in the first place.

0.10.0 - 2023-07-12


  • add unconditional dependency on python3-rpm
  • container - refresh redhat.repo on entrypoint
  • add smartcache=always config option
  • add --smartcache-always CLI flag
  • add more documentation for the container builds


  • container - install config file to set smartcache=always
  • fedrq.backends.libdnf5.backend.Package - use libdnf5’s getters for debug_name and source_debug_name instead of our copies from dnf4. There is still a fallback to the dnf4 versions for libdnf5 < 5.0.12.
  • fedrq.spec - favor python3-libdnf5 if dnf5 is installed


  • deprecate support for libdnf5 < 5.0.12 in the libdnf5 backend


  • container - make sure cache persistence volume is actually used


  • remove deprecated config.get_rq() function
  • drop support for libdnf5 < 5.0.10 in the libdnf5 backend

0.9.0 - 2023-06-29


  • add remote_location formatter
  • document CentOS 7 release configuration
  • add UBI release configuration
  • add Oracle Linux release configuration
  • add Rocky Linux release configuration
  • add experimental download and download-spec subcommands
  • add fedrq container builds
  • add @source-repos repo class
  • BaseMaker: add enable_source_repos() method
  • PackageCompat: add remote_location() method


  • Remove enabled=1 from built-in fedora repo defs. We want all repo to have enabled=0. We control which repos are enabled and disabled with repo groups configured in releases.toml. This previously led to divergent behavior with the –repo and –enablerepo options when querying Fedora releases on Fedora systems and non-Fedora systems (e.g. CentOS).


  • deprecate support for libdnf5 < 5.0.10 and raise warnings


  • backends libdnf5: don’t call rpm.ts.closeDB()

0.8.0 - 2023-06-21


  • add –version flag to CLI
  • improve repo loading error handling (#31)
  • add CentOS 7 release configuration


  • fedrq.config.Release.get_base - allow omitting config arg. This previously emitted a deprecation warning (efc2828).
  • ReleaseConfig - make repogs a proper pydantic model field (d8cff5a).


  • fix Changelog URL in Python/PyPI metadata
  • fix typo in help message for --latest. Contributed by Sandro (~penguinpee).
  • backends - fix MissingBackendError message grammar

New contributors

Thanks to Sandro (~penguinpee) for your first fedrq contribution!

0.7.1 - 2023-05-31


0.7.0 - 2023-05-30

Highlighted examples

fedrq now has a Fedora ELN release configuration builtin!

You can preform simple queries

$ fedrq pkgs -b eln -F plainwithrepo ansible-core
ansible-core-2.15.0-2.eln126.noarch eln-appstream
ansible-core-2.15.0-2.eln126.src eln-appstream-source

or use more complex pipelines to determine how a package’s build dependencies differ between ELN and Rawhide

$ comm -13 \
    <(fedrq pkgs -b eln -s -F requires ansible-core | sort -u) \
    <(fedrq pkgs -b rawhide -s -F requires ansible-core | sort -u)

(This difference is expected, as tests are disabled when %rhel is defined.)

fedrq also has a new repolist command to list enabled repos for a release.

$ fedrq repolist -b eln -r @no-crb


  • add local and local:... branches to allow querying the enabled system repos in
  • add repolist sucommand to display enabled repos the same way that plain dnf repoquery does.
  • add Fedora ELN release configuration
  • add/document @koji and @koji-src generic repo classes

  • add EPEL 9 packages to the upstream gotmax23/copr and gotmax23/copr-dev repositories
  • doc: add to API examples
  • doc: add dnf and libdnf5 intersphinx


  • docs: show full function signatures w/ annotations
  • relicense CI files that are shared with tomcli to MIT
  • libdnf5 backend: use libdnf5.conf.Vars.detect_release() when available (libdnf5 >= 5.0.10)
  • backends: cache result of get_releasever()
  • config: check that release matchers match the entire --branch not just the beginning of it.


  • doc: fix improper formatting
  • doc: correct smartcache description in fedrq(5).
  • libdnf5 backend: make the BaseMaker.load_filelists() method compatible with libdnf5 >= 5.0.12.
  • packaging: remove remanent rpmautospec changelog file
  • packaging: remove unneeded fedora-repos-rawhide BR

0.6.0 - 2023-04-06


This release shouldn’t introduce any backwards incompatibilities.


  • add @metaurl repo class
  • add builtin amazonlinux release configuration
  • add builtin almalinux release configuration
  • add @kojihub alias to the cXs (CentOS Stream) release configuration.
  • add @compose-latest repo group to the the cXs (CentOS Stream) release configuration.
  • add initial shell completions
  • README: update links (by Benson Muite)
  • README: expand section about installation with pip
  • doc: create a mkdocs docsite at
  • doc: add dnf repoquery comparison


  • releases: fix regression in @epel from the CentOS Stream release configurations. previously, fedrq CMD -b cXs -r epel resulted in an Exception.
  • config: fix docstring typos and add links

New contributors

Thank you to Benson Muite (~bvkcm) for improving the README and correcting outdated information.

0.5.0 - 2023-03-18

New dependencies

  • requests

Highlighted examples

Find the latest version of fedrq available in the gotmax23/fedrq-dev copr. No extra configuration is required!

$ fedrq pkgs -F nevrr -b f36 -r @copr:gotmax23/fedrq-dev fedrq

Find the packages in Fedora and RPMFusion that depend on any subpackage of ffmpeg. Currently, fedrq does not have a builtin rpmfusion configuration, but with the repo loading revamp, fedrq can read arbitrary repositories from the system configuration. It’s just not as nice and convenient.

$ fedrq wrsrc ffmpeg -b f37 --enablerepo=rpmfusion-{non,}free{,-updates}{,-source} -Fline:na,repoid
HandBrake.src : rpmfusion-free-source
HandBrake.x86_64 : rpmfusion-free
HandBrake-gui.x86_64 : rpmfusion-free
mpv.src : updates-source
mpv.x86_64 : updates
mpv-libs.i686 : updates
mpv-libs.x86_64 : updates


  • Release: use releasever as cache directory key (
  • change format of copr_chroot_fmt in ReleaseConfig
  • config: improve Release repository loading. Previously, a repository id that was defined in one of the repo files in a release’s defpaths and also defined in the system configuration (when system_repos=true) would cause fedrq to crash when loading repositories. Now, system repositories are loaded first and then only repositories that are not already defined are loaded from defpaths. system_repos=false works the same as before
  • add new repository loading API and dep on requests (, More details)
  • config: plug in new repository loading API (More details)
  • release.toml: update for new reoo loading API


  • Add centos-stream8 release configuration
  • Add whatobsoletes subcommand
  • formatters: add full_nevra formatter
  • config: implement recursive config file merging
  • cli: add –enablerepo and –disablerepo
  • docs: elaborate on new repo classes

BaseMaker API:

This includes changes to the BaseMaker API (fedrq.backends.(lib)dnf(5).backend.BaseMaker).

  • add disable_repo() method
  • add repolist() method


  • include api_examples in %doc
  • explicitly require python3-rpm


  • releases.toml: Fix typo in epel_next release def

Testing and development workflow

  • nox: remove fclogr venv workarounds
  • ruff: enable unused-arguments rules
  • improve test_subpkgs_match2 integration test
  • ruff: ignore no-explicit-stacklevel for now
  • test Release._copr_repo() formatting
  • nox publish: install all deps into the venv

0.4.1 - 2023-03-13

This is a minor bugfix release that accounts for breaking libdnf5 API changes.


  • BaseMaker: make compatible with libdnf5 changes. libdnf5 changed its configuration API so BaseMaker needs to be adjusted accordingly. For now, fedrq maintains compatibility with both API versions.
  • Clarify explanatory comments in api_examples


  • Add location attr to PackageCompat and formatters. Example: fedrq pkgs ansible -Flocation

Testing and Dev Workflow

  • Add nox targets to release fedrq

0.4.0 - 2023-02-21


  • fedrq is now in beta.
  • fedrq.spec: Always Require distribution-gpg-keys
  • Command: simplify smartcache and load_filelists
  • change logging format to include line numbers



  • Add CentOS Stream 9 release configuration
  • Add new formatter plainwithrepo. Try it with fedrq CMD -F plainwithrepo. Contributed by ~amoralej.
  • Document whatrequires-src subcommand.

  • Cleanup fedrq.cli.formatters interface (PRIVATE API)


  • Cleanup API interface and mark it as public. Add docstrings.
  • Add initial API documentation and examples. More to come.
  • Make fedrq.backends.libdnf5.backend.Package hashable.
  • Add lt and gt methods to fedrq.backends.libdnf5.backend.Package. Use the same sort algorithm as hawkey.
  • Add create_repo() method to BaseMaker
  • BaseMaker and Repoquery: add backend property to access the current backend module
  • libdnf5: add config_loaded param to BaseMaker


  • .builds f36: don’t run unit tests twice
  • Remove in favor of nox and switch to ruff
  • Fix ruff linting errors

New Contributors

  • Thanks to Alfredo Moralejo (~amoralej) for contributing the plainwithrepo formatter.

0.3.0 - 2023-02-13


  • Get rid of importlib_resources on Python 3.9. We can use the stdlib version.
  • Stop excluding files from the sdist.
  • Abstract dnf code into backends. (INTERNAL API)
  • fedrq.repoquery is now a shim module that tries to import Repoquery and BaseMaker from fedrq.backends.dnf.backend and then falls back to fedrq.backends.dnf.backend.
  • fedrq.repoquery.Repoquery and fedrq.repoquery.BaseMaker’s interfaces are mostly unchanged, but they now point to the appropriate backend in fedrq.backends.
  • Make loading filelists optional.


  • Add a libdnf5 backend.
    • Use -b / –backend or backend in the config file to explicitly choose a backend. Otherwise, the default backend (currently dnf) will be used.
  • Add whatrequires-src subcommand and a wrsrc alias.
  • Add wr alias for whatrequires subcommand.
  • Add –forcearch flag
  • Add a fedrq.backends.get_default_backend() function to import backends. This provides more flexibility than fedrq.repoquery which is now a shim module and is the recommended approach. (INTERNAL API)


  • whatrequires -P: don’t resolve SRPM names
  • Repoquery: ensure all Provides are resolved


  • fedrq.1: add –backend and –filelists.
  • fedrq.5: document backend and filelist config options


  • .builds: Use fclogr main branch
  • Fix Copr dev builds
  • .builds: Run rpmlint
  • Allow test parallelization
  • Adopt nox as a test runner.
  • noxfile: Use editable install for local testing
  • Test libdnf5 backend
  • .builds: test libdnf5 backend on f36
  • nox: add libdnf5_test target
  • nox: add testa target to test both backends at once

0.2.0 - 2023-01-14


  • Use $XDG_CACHE_HOME/fedrq to store instead of /var/tmp to store smartcache. This removes fedrq.cli.Command.v_cachedir(), fedrq._utils.make_cachedir(), and fedrq.config.SMARTCACHE_BASEDIR; they’re no longer needed after this change.


  • Fix EL 9 and Python 3.9 compatibility
    • Add fallback Fedora repository definitions.
    • Use importlib_resources backport.
    • Don’t use @staticmethod as a decorator. This doesn’t work with Python 3.9.

Dev Changes

  • Remove unnecessary argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args workaround
  • Fix type checking
  • Test and lint on EPEL 9 and Fedora 36 in CI
  • Ensure all test files are formatted
  • Ditch rpmautospec in favor of fclogr

0.1.0 - 2033-01-02


  • New JSON formatter
  • fedrq subpkgs --match to filter fedrq subpkgs output packages
  • Add smartcache CLI flag and config option to avoid clearing the system cache when repoquerying different versions.

  • Backend improvements and cleanup

  • More test coverage
  • Docs improvements


  • Tweak README wording
  • Command: Fix configuration error handling
  • Make _v_fatal_error and _v_handle_errors DRY
  • Fix –notsrc on 32 bit x86
  • Fix cli.Subpkgs v_arch() method
  • Add more config validation


  • Reorganize tests
  • tests: Don’t hardcode x86_64
  • Add basic fedrq pkgs integration test
  • Test –exclude-subpackages
  • Reformat fedrq.1 yet again
  • Add formatters sanity test
  • formatters: Add tests and improve error handling
  • Test smartcache config option

New Features

  • Add initial –smartcache implementation
  • Allow setting smartcache in config file and enable it by default
  • formatters: Add missing attrs
  • Add json formatter
  • subpkgs: Add –match option
  • Add fedrq(5) manpage

Breaking API Changes

Note that fedrq’s API is currently unstable and not intended for outside usage.

  • Rearchitect make_base()
  • Replace cli.base.get_packages with Repoquery method
  • Reimplement FormatterContainer (private API)

0.0.2 - 2022-12-20

  • pyproject.toml: Add project.urls
  • pyproject.toml: Change Development Status to Alpha
  • Truncate RPM changelog
  • Exclude rpmautospec changelog from sdist
  • fedrq.spec: Workaround F36’s old flit-core
  • fedrq.spec: Remove unnecessary rpmdevtools BR
  • Add fedrq-dev copr

0.0.1 - 2022-12-19

Initial release